Tag Archives: rabbit scat

Rabbit Scat & Our Remarkable Daughter

Today held one of those endearing moments that often happen between a parent and a five-year old child. It started with us missing the bus this morning despite being at the end of the driveway at the right time. Lately the bus has been coming earlier so as 8 minutes passed I figured I’d go inside and call the bus garage to make sure I was correct.

For safety I had my daughter come halfway back on the drive. As I was calling she went on the lawn and was exploring the animal tracks in the snow. She is now able to identify rabbit tracks, so after I verified we did indeed miss the bus she told me there were loads of tracks on our yard. I told her that was cool and that we had to leave quick.

We got in the van and drove to school. It was a nice brisk, sunny morning brightened by the snow. We have a general rule that there is no video and only low radio for drives to and from school. This allows us to talk. It has taken about a year and a half for some great dialogue to occur but now it has and it is excellent! Perhaps another day I’ll share the story of the bull on the road. We talked about what her day was going to look like and then I asked her what she wanted to be when she grew-up. She thought for a moment and said ‘I want to be a Mom. A Mom that works at an amusement park and brings her kids to work’. Chuckling inside I told her that sounded like a great career.

But that is not the really funny part of this story. That happens when we arrive and we are walking into school. As we are about to enter the school I see that she is holding and looking at something in her right hand. I though it was something but hoped it wasn’t what I though…so I asked her ‘Elisabeth what is that you are holding in your hand?’ she says ‘rabbit poop’. Holding a straight face I asked her where she got it from and she said her pocket. I said when did you put it in your pocket and she says ‘this morning’ and adds ‘there was lots of it’. I said you have to toss that before we enter the school and then wash your hands because it is dirty. She did this with no problem but did state that the rabbit poop was just solid grass.

As I was waiting outside the bathroom another parent came by and I told her the story and we both laughed. The amazing part to me was that she knew what it was. I probably told her what it was two years ago at a visit to zoo or science museum, but if so it is remarkable that she remembered! It would also be amazing if she had deducted that the ‘poop’ she had held in her hand was from a rabbit.

After school we had fun telling Mommy about this. We also discussed why you had to be careful in picking up any animal poop without proper training and the possible diseases or viruses it may carry.Another great learning opportunity with the benefit of a laugh for us.

Thanks for making our day Elisabeth!


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