Sports Banquet Reflection/Prayer

Sports BanquetWe just got back from our daughters sports banquet. Despite being long at 2.5 hrs the program was paced well and paid appropriate honors to all the athletes and coaches who all volunteer their time for the children. It was long for our 6 yr. old who fell asleep about half way through but she was excited earlier on when she received a medal for her participation on the K-2 coed basketball team. What a smile!

One part of the program I’d like to share is a Sportsman’s prayer that started the night. To me it really helped me remember what the sports program should be for and what it can teach the athletes. I hope you enjoy this slightly adapted copy of the prayer:

We gather tonight to reflect upon the talents you have given us and that we have enjoyed through our sports program. We ask you to continue to bless our principle, teachers, coaches, and all our family and friends as they guide us in developing these talents.

Help us lord to remember that it is our responsibility to use the divine gifts you have given us. Teach us what it means to be “real winners in your eyes”…

Real winners have learned to always do their best.

Real winners have learned not to quit.

Real winners have learned not to blame others.

Real winners have respect for their friends, their coaches, and themselves…

Real winners have learned that God is the one who gave them their abilities.

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